Alliance Rex Pilot Escort

The Alliance Rex Pilot Escort, much like the great Dukan’Rex himself, is a bridge between quadrants. It draws primarily from the Jem’Hadar Fighter and the Defiant, and is employed similarly – groups of three, made of a lead ship and two wingmates. Fully capable of reconnaissance, patrol, screening for capital ships and strike missions of their own, they are versatile, nimble, and deadly. The Rex often commands entire squadrons of escorts in battle, coordinating them and forming the tip of the spear with its superior maneuverability and ability to strip enemy defenses before a devastating strafing run. Like all the ships of the Alliance, it stands in testament to what can be achieved if even the most different of species learn to set aside those differences and stand together. Then even the most impossible victories come within reach, and as all Jem’Hadar know, victory is life.