
The Hur'q are a highly aggressive and formidable insectoid species hailing from the Gamma Quadrant. They are known for their imposing physical presence, characterized by a robust exoskeleton and sharp, chitinous appendages. The species is organized into a hierarchical structure, led by powerful individuals known as Queens.

The Hur'q are notorious for their predatory nature, particularly when it comes to resource acquisition. They possess an insatiable hunger for the resources found on other worlds and civilizations, often invading and plundering planets with little regard for the inhabitants. Their ability to quickly consume entire ecosystems has earned them a reputation as a relentless scourge.

In Star Trek Online, players encounter the Hur'q as a major threat to the galaxy during the game's Victory is Life storyline. This expansion centers around the Dominion, a powerful interstellar alliance that enlists the help of players to combat the renewed Hur'q invasion. The Hur'q are depicted as formidable adversaries, employing swarm tactics and advanced weaponry to overwhelm their opponents.